Mental Health Care That Meets You Where You Are

Managing mental health after age 65 can be a challenge in and of itself. When cognitive, emotional, or physical issues make it difficult to get out of the house, getting care can seem insurmountable. The unpredictability and efficient pace of many medical offices can be intimidating. Fear of crowded waiting rooms, disruption and airborne illnesses add to the stress of seeking care.

For these reasons and more, Joyful Moments Geriatric Psychiatry LLC is bringing mental health services where seniors are most comfortable: in their homes. No more rushing out of the house with assistive devices and bags of medications in tow. Patients can relax in their favorite chair while discussing the treatment of mental health issues. No more exposure to contagious diseases during unpredictable waits in the lobby. In a patient-centered approach to psychiatric care, we understand that your home is where you are most comfortable and safe.

Joyful Moments Geriatric Psychiatry LLC can help with managing mental health conditions including:
*Memory loss
*And more!

In addition to medication management, Joyful Moments can assist with:
*Family meetings
*Evaluation of level of care needed
*Home health referrals
*Tips on non-medication options for preserving memory
*Guidance on managing difficult behaviors
*Identification of community resources
*Coordination of care with primary care providers

Joyful Moments Geriatric Psychiatry: Bringing mental health services to older Oregonians in the comfort of their own home.

Let anyone who comes to you go away feeling better and happier. Everyone should see goodness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile. Joy shows from the eyes. . . It cannot be kept closed inside us.

-Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Let Joyful Moments help you and your family by filling out the information below:

If you are experiencing an emergency, call 911.